![]() Dr. Luis Gerardo Herrera Montalvo
Investigador Titular C
SNI nivel 2
email: [email protected]
Estación de Biología,
01 (315) 351 02 00
Producción reciente20131. Herrera, L. G, J. Osorio y P. Ibarra. 2013. Asymmetric contribution of isotopically contrasting food sources to vertebrate consumers in a subtropical semi-arid ecosystem. Biotropica, 45(3): 357-364. 2. Otalora-Ardila, A, L. G. Herrera-Montalvo, J. J. Flores-Martinez y Ch. C. Voigt. 2013. Marine and terrestrial food sources in the diet of the fish-eating myotis (Myotis vivesi). Journal of Mammalogy, 94(5): 1102-1110. 3. Rodríguez, M. A, L. G. Herrera-Montalvo. 2013. Isotopic niche mirrors trophic niche in a vertebrate island invader. Oecologia, 171(2): 537-544. Producción por año20131. Herrera, L. G, J. Osorio y P. Ibarra. 2013. Asymmetric contribution of isotopically contrasting food sources to vertebrate consumers in a subtropical semi-arid ecosystem. Biotropica, 45(3): 357-364. 2. Otalora-Ardila, A, L. G. Herrera-Montalvo, J. J. Flores-Martinez y Ch. C. Voigt. 2013. Marine and terrestrial food sources in the diet of the fish-eating myotis (Myotis vivesi). Journal of Mammalogy, 94(5): 1102-1110. 3. Rodríguez, M. A, L. G. Herrera-Montalvo. 2013. Isotopic niche mirrors trophic niche in a vertebrate island invader. Oecologia, 171(2): 537-544. 20111. Herrera-Montalvo, L. G, J. Osorio, y C. A. Mancina. 2011. Ammonotely in a neotropical frugivorous bat as energy intake decreases. Journal of Experimental Biology, 214(22): 3775-3781. 2. Mejía, O, L. G. Herrera-Montalvo, B. May, R. A. Medellín y J. J. Flores-Martínez. 2011. Effective population size dynamics of Myotis vivesi during the Pleistocene and Holocene climatic changes. Acta Chiropterologica, 13(1): 33-40. 3. Suarez, R. K, L. G. Herrera-Montalvo y K. C. Welch Jr. 2011. The sugar oxidation cascade: aerial refueling in hummingbirds and nectar bats. Journal of Experimental Biology, 214(2): 172-178. 20101. Floyd, C. H, J. J. Flores-Martínez, L. G. Herrera-Montalvo, O. Mejía y B. May. 2010. Conserving the endangered Mexican fishing bat ( Myotis vivesi): genetic variation indicates extensive gene flow among islands in the Gulf of California. Conservation Genetics, 11: 813-822. 2. Mancina, C, y L. G. Herrera-Montalvo. 2010. Disparate feeding strategies used by syntopic Antillean nectarivorous bats to obtain dietary protein. Journal of Mammalogy, 91(4): 960-966. 3. Pilosof, S, y L. G. Herrera-Montalvo. 2010. Variability in urine concentration and fecal water content of bats in a tropical deciduous forest. Journal of Mammalogy, 91(3): 580-585. 4. Ramírez-Hernández, G, y L. G. Herrera-Montalvo. 2010. Nutritional importance of seeds and arthropods to painted spiny pocket mice ( Lyomis pictus ): the effects of season and forest degradation. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 88(12): 1226-1234. 5. Richman, A, L. G. Herrera-Montalvo,S. Ortega, J., J. J. Flores-Martínez, J. Arroyo-Cabrales y J. Morales-Malacara. 2010. Class II DRB polymorphism and sequence diversity in two vesper bats in the genus Myotis. International Journal of Inmunogenetics, 37: 401-405. 20091. Barea, L. P, L. G. Herrera. 2009. Sources of protein in two semi-arid zone mistletoe specialists: Insights from stable isotopes. Austral Ecology, 34: 821-828. 2. Herrera, L. G, M. Rodriguez y P. Hernandez. 2009. Sources of assimilated protein in a specialized tropical frugivorous bird: the Yellow-throated Euphonia (Euphonia hirundinacea). Auk, 126(1): 175-180. 3. Suarez, R. K, K. C. Welch, Jr., S. K. Hanna y L. G. Herrera. 2009. Flight muscle enzymes and metabolic flux rates during hovering flight in the nectar bat, Glossophaga soricina: Further evidence of convergence with hummingbirds. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A- Molecular and Integrative Physiology, 153: 136-140. 20081. Hartman-Bakken, B, L. G. Herrera M., R. M. Carroll, J. Ayala-Berdon, J. E. Schondube, y C. Martinez del Rio. 2008. A nectar-feeding mammal avoids body fluid disturbances by varying renal function. American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology, 295(6): F1855-F1863. 2. Herrera, L. G, V.H. Reynoso, D. Curiel, N. Ramirez, M. Rodriguez, L. Miron, R. Sanchez, S. Aguilar, F. Carmona, J.N. Urbina-Cardona y A. Gonzalez. 2008. La riqueza faunistica en un ambiente perturbado. El caso del Parque Ecologico Jaguaroundi. 190. En: Y. Nava-Cruz y I. Rosas (coords.). El parque Ecológico Jaguaroundi: Conservación de la selva tropical veracruzana en una zona industrializada. Programa Universitario de Medio Ambiente, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Instituto Nacional de Ecología, Petroleos Mexicanos-PEMEX Petroquímica. México, D. F, México. 190 pp. 3. Herrera, L. G, L. Tico, N. Ramirez y L. Miron. 2008. Low endogeneous nitrogen losses contribute to low nitrogen requirements in Pallas´s long-tongued bats. En: C. E. Lorenzo, E. Espinoza y J. Ortega (eds.). Avances en el Estudio de los Mamíferos de México II. Asociación Mexicana de Mastozoología, A.C. y ECOSUR, CIBNOR. México, D. F, México. 4. Herrera, L. G, C. A. Mancina. 2008. Sucrose hydrolysis does not limit food intake by Palla's long-tongued bats. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 81(1): 119-124. 5. Herrera, L. G, K. Corine, T. H. Fleming y Z. Arad. 2008. Dietary implications of intrapopulation variation in nitrogen isotope composition of an Old World fruit bat. Journal of Mammalogy, 89(5): 1184-1190. 6. Welch Jr., K. C, L. G. Herrera M. y R. K. Suarez. 2008. Dietary sugar as a direct fuel for flight in the nectarivorous bats Glossophaga soricina. Journal of Experimental Biology, 211(3): 310-316. 20071. Herrera, L. G, y J. C. Reyna. 2007. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic discrimination in whole blood of red-throated ant tanagers. Journal of Ornithology, 148: 235-240. 2. Richman, A. D, G. Herrera, V. H. Reynoso, G. Mendez y L. Zambrano. 2007. Evidence for balancing selection at the DAB locus in the axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum. International Journal of Inmunogenetics, 34(6): 475-478. 20061. Casotti, G, L. G. Herrera, J. J. Flores, C. A. Mancina y E. J. Braun. 2006. Relationships between renal morphology and diet in 26 species of new world bats (suborder microchiroptera). Zoology, 109(3): 196-207. 2. Herrera, L. G, K. A. Hobson, J. C. Martinez y G. Mendez. 2006. Tracing the origin of dietary protein in tropical dry forest birds. Biotropica, 38(6): 735-742. 3. Herrera, L. G, N. Ramirez y L. Miron. 2006. Ammonia excretion increased and urea excretion decreased in urine of a new world nectarivorous bat with decreased nitrogen intake. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 79(4): 801-809. 4. Herrera, M, G. Luis, K. A. Hobson, P. Hernandez y M. Rodriguez. 2006. Differential responses in rainforest birds to fruit abundance, based on long-term isotopic monitoring. Journal of Ornithology, 147: 76. 5. Miron, L, L. G. Herrera M., N. Ramirez P. y K. A. Hobson. 2006. Effect of diet quality on carbon and nitrogen turnover and isotopic discrimination in blood of a New World nectarivorous bat. Journal of Experimental Biology, 209(3): 541-548. 20051. Casotti, G, L. G. Herrera, E. J. Braun, M. A. Carlos y J. J. Flores. 2005. Relationships between renal morphology and diets in 23 species of bats (family Chiroptera). Faseb Journal, 19. 2. Flores-Martinez, J. J, C. H. Floyd, L.G. Herrera y B. May. 2005. Genetic variation and population size of the endangered fishing bat, Myotis vivesi, in Isla Partida. 187-192. En: V. Sánchez-Cordero y R. A. Medellín (eds.). Contribuciones mastozoológicas en homenaje a Bernardo Villa. 1ª. Instituto de Biología, UNAM, Instituto de Ecología, UNAM y CONABIO. Distrito Federal, México. 680 pp. 3. Herrera, L. G, K. A. Hobson, P. Hernandez y M. Rodriguez. 2005. Differential responses to fruit abundance by two rain forest birds using long-term isotopic monitoring. Auk, 122(3): 783-792. 4. Mancina, C. A, F. Balseiro y L. G. Herrera. 2005. Pollen digestion by nectarivorous and frugivorous Antillean bats. Mammalian Biology, 70(5): 282-290. 5. Ramirez, N, L. G. Herrera y L. Miron M. 2005. Physiological constraint to food ingestion in a New World nectarivorous bat. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 78(6): 1032-1038. 20041. Galindo, C, A. Sanchez Q., R. H. Quijano y L. G. Herrera. 2004. Population dynamics of a resident colony of Leptonycteris curasoae (Chiroptera:Phyllostomidae) in Central Mexico. Biotropica, 36: 382-391. 2. Stadelmann, B, L. G. Herrera, J. J. Flores-Martinez, B. P. May, J. Arroyo Cabrales y M. Ruedi. 2004. Molecular systematics of the piscivorous bat Myotis (Pizonyx) vivesi. Journal of Mammalogy, 85: 133-139. 20031. Herrera, L. G, K. A. Hobson, M. Rodriguez y P. Hernandez. 2003. Trophic partitioning in tropical rain forest birds: insights from stable isotope analysis. Oecologia, 136: 439-444. 2. Richman, A, L. G. Herrera y D. Nash. 2003. Evolution of MHC Class II E beta diversity within the genus Peromyscus. Genetics, 164: 289-297. 3. Richman, A. D, L. G. Herrera, D. Nash y M. H. Schierup. 2003. Relative roles of mutation and recombination in generating allelic polymorphism at an MHC class II locus in Peromyscus maniculatus. Genetical Research, 82: 89-99. 20021. Herrera, L. G, E. Gutierrez, K. A. Hobson, B. Alture, W. G. Diaz, y V. Sanchez-Cordero. 2002. Sources of assimilated protein in five species of New World frugivorous bats. Oecologia, 133: 280-287. 2. Richman, A, L. G. Herrera y D Nash. 2002. Characterization of Peromyscus MHC class II beta sequences by ligation-anchored RT-PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. European Journal of Immunogenetics, 29: 213-217. 20011. Herrera, L. G, K. Hobson, D. Estrada, A. Manzo, G. Mendez y V. Sanchez-Cordero. 2001. The role of fruits and insects in the nutrition of frugivorous bats: Evaluating the use of stable isotope models. Biotropica, 33: 520-528. 2. Herrera, L. G, J. J. Flores-Martinez. 2001. Conserving fishing bats in the Sea of Cortes. Bats, 19: 7-11. 3. Herrera, L. G, C. Martinez del Rio, E. Braun y K. Hobson. 2001. Renal structure in neotropical bats: using stable isotopes to explore relationships between diet and morphology. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 37: 1-11. 4. Herrera, L. G, K. Hobson, L. Miron, N. Ramirez, G. Mendez y V. Sanchez-Cordero. 2001. Sources of protein in two species of phytophagous bats in a seasonal dry forest: Evidence from stable-isotope analysis. Journal of Mammalogy, 82(2): 352-361. 5. Martinez del Rio, C, J. E. Schondube, T. J. McWhorter y L. G. Herrera. 2001. Intake responses in nectar feeding birds: digestive and metabolic causes, osmoregulatory consequences, and coevolutionary effects. American Zoologist, 41: 902-915. 6. Richman, A. D, Herrera, LG; Nash, D. 2001. MHC class II beta sequence diversity in the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus): implications for models of balancing selection. Molecular Ecology, 10: 2765-2773. 7. Schondube, J. E, L. G. Herrera y C. Martinez del Rio. 2001. Diet and the evolution of digestion and renal function in Phyllostomid bats. Zoology, 104: 59-73. 20001. Herrera, L. G, D. LeBlanc y J. Nassar. 2000. Sugar discrimination and gustatory thresholds in captive-born frugivorous Old World Bats. Mammalia, 64(2): 135-143. 19991. Herrera, L. G, T. H. Fleming y L. S. Sternberg. 1999. Preference for different sugars in Neotropical nectarivorous and frugivorous bats. Journal of Mammalogy, 80: 683-688. 2. Herrera, L. G. 1999. Sugar composition of fruit and nectar and preferences of bats: causes and consequences. Acta Chiropterologica, 1: 201-208. 19981. Herrera, L. G, T. H. Fleming y L. S. Sternberg. 1998. Trophic relationships in a neotropical bat community: A preliminary study using carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures. Tropical Ecology, 39: 23-29. 2. Herrera, L. G, y C. Martinez del Rio. 1998. Pollen digestion by New World bats: Effects of processing time and feeding habits. Ecology, 79(8): 2828-2838. |