![]() Dra. Katherine Renton
Investigador Titular B
SNI nivel 2
email: [email protected]
Estación de Biología,
01 (315) 351 02 02
Producción reciente20131. Ortega-Álvarez, R, R. Lindig-Cisneros, I. MacGregor-Fors, K. Renton y J. E. Schondube. 2013. Avian community responses to restoration efforts in a complex volcanic landscape. Ecological Engineering, 53(1): 275-283. Producción por año20131. Ortega-Álvarez, R, R. Lindig-Cisneros, I. MacGregor-Fors, K. Renton y J. E. Schondube. 2013. Avian community responses to restoration efforts in a complex volcanic landscape. Ecological Engineering, 53(1): 275-283. 20121. Laurance, W. F, D.C. Useche, J. Rendeiro,....R. Coates, K. Renton, J. Vega-Rivera…et al. 2012. Averting Biodiversity colapse in tropical forest protected areas. Nature, 489(7415): 290-294. 2. Marín-Togo, M. C, T. C. Monterrubio-Rico, K. Renton, Y. Rubio-Rocha, C. Macías-Caballero, J. M. Ortega-Rodríguez y R. Cancino-Murillo. 2012. Reduced current distribution of Psittacidae on the Mexican Pacific coast: potential impacts of habitat loss and capture for trade. Biodiversity and Conservation, 21(2): 451-473. 3. Pease, S. M, A. Salinas-Melgoza, K. Renton, P. Escalante, y T. F. Wright. 2012. Brood Sex Ratio of the Lilac-crowned Parrot (Amazona finschi). Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 124(2): 393-396. 4. Renton, K, P. Balvanera, M. Olson, y A. Castillo. 2012. ¿Por qué es importante el monte?. Cuaderno de Divulgación, 0(0): 1-44. 5. Ruiz-Guerra, B, K. Renton, y R. Dirzo. 2012. Consequences of fragmentation of tropical moist forest for birds and their role in predation of herbivorous insects. Biotropica, 44(2): 228-236. 20111. Pringle, E. G, R. I. Adams, E. Broadbent, P. E. Busby, C. I. Donatti, E. L. Kurten, K. Renton, y R. Dirzo. 2011. Distinct leaf-trait syndromes of evergreen and deciduous trees in a seasonally dry tropical forest. Biotropica, 43(3): 299-308. 20101. Monterrubio-Rico, T. C, K. Renton, J. M. Ortega-Rodríguez, A. Pérez-Arteaga, y R. Cancino-Murillo. 2010. The endangered Yellow-headed Parrot Amazona oratrix along the Pacific coast of Mexico. Oryx, 44(4): 602-609. 2. Villaseñor-Sánchez, E. I, R. Dirzo, y K. Renton. 2010. Importance of the lilac-crowned parrot in pre-dispersal seed predation of Astronium graveolens in a Mexican tropical dry forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 26(2): 227-236. 20091. Monterrubio-Rico, T. C, J. Ortega-Rodriguez, M. C. Marin-Togo, A. Salinas-Melgoza y K. Renton. 2009. Nesting habitat of the Lilac-crowned Parrot in a modified landscape in Mexico. Biotropica, 41(2): 361-368. 2. Renton, K, D. J. Brightsmith. 2009. Cavity use and reproductive success of nesting macaws in lowland forest of southeast Peru. Journal of field Ornithology, 80(1): 1-8. 3. Renton, K. 2009. Lilac-crowned Parrot (Amazona finschi), Neotropical Birds Online T. S. Schulenberg (Ed). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology. http://neotropical.birds.cornell.edu/portal/species 4. Salinas-Melgoza, A, V. Salinas-Melgoza, y K. Renton. 2009. Factors influencing nest spacing of a secondary cavity-nesting parrot: habitat heterogeneity and proximity of conspecifics. Condor, 111(2): 305-313. 5. Sanchez-Martinez, T. C, K. Renton. 2009. Availability and selection of arboreal termitaria as nest-sites by Orange-fronted Parakeets Aratinga canicularis in conserved and modified landscapes in Mexico. Ibis, 151(2): 311-320. 20071. Salinas-Melgoza, A, y K. Renton. 2007. Postfledging survival and development of juvenile Lilac-crowned parrots. Journal of Wildlife Management, 71(1): 43-50. 20061. Renton, K. 2006. Diet of adult and nestling Scarlet Macaws in southwest Belize, Central America. Biotropica, 38(2): 280-283. 20051. Salinas Melgoza, A, y K. Renton. 2005. Seasonal variation in activity patterns of juvenile Lilac-crowned Parrots in tropical dry forest. Wilson Bulletin, 117: 291-295. 20041. Renton, K. 2004. In search of Military Macaws. Psittascene, 16(4): 12-14. 2. Renton, K. 2004. Agonistic interactions of nesting and non-breeding macaws. Condor, 106(2): 354–362. 3. Renton, K, y A. Salinas-Melgoza. 2004. Climatic variability, nest predation, and reproductive output of Lilac-crowned parrots in tropical dry forest. Auk, 121(4): 1214–1225. 4. Renton, K. 2004. En torno a la extincion de las especies. El Faro, UNAM, 6(45): 13-14. 20021. Renton, K, J. H. Vega-Rivera. 2002. Trogon citreolus (Gould 1835) Trogon citrino. 345-346. En: Noguera, F. A., J. H. Vega-Rivera, A. N. García-Aldrete, M. Quesada (eds.). Historia Natural de Chamela. Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Distrito Federal, México. 568 pp. 2. Renton, K. 2002. Amazona oratrix (Ridgway 1887) Loro cabeza amarilla. 343-344. En: Noguera, F. A., J. H. Vega-Rivera, A. N. García-Aldrete, M. Quesada (eds.). Historia Natural de Chamela. Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Distrito Federal, México. 568 pp. 3. Renton, K, A. Salinas-Melgoza. 2002. Amazona finschi (Sclater 1864) Loro corona lila. 341-342. En: Noguera, F. A., J. H. Vega-Rivera, A. N. García-Aldrete, M. Quesada (eds.). Historia Natural de Chamela. Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Distrito Federal, México. 568 pp. 4. Renton, K. 2002. Seasonal variation in occurrence of macaws along a rainforest river. Journal of field Ornithology, 73: 15-19. 5. Renton, K. 2002. Influence of environmental variability on the growth of Lilac-crowned Parrot nestlings. Ibis, 144: 331-339. 6. Valenzuela, D, B. Mila, F. Urbina, K. Renton, A. Garcia y R. Castro. 2002. Range extensions for Lineated Dryocopus lineatus and Pale-billed woodpeckers Campephilus guatemalensis, and first records for the state of Morelos, Mexico. Cotinga, 17: 14-17. 20011. Renton, K. 2001. Lilac-crowned parrot diet and food resource availability: resource tracking by a parrot seed predator. Condor, 103: 62-69. 2. Wright, T. F, C. A. Toft, F. Enkerlin-Hoeflich, J. Gonzalez-Elizondo, M. Albornoz, A. Rodriguez-Ferraro, F. Rojas-Suarez, V. Sanz, A. Trujillo, S. R. Beissinger, V. Berovides A., X. Galvez, A. T. Brice, K. Joyner, J. Eberhard, J. Gilardi, S. E. Koenig, S. Stoleson, P. Martuscelli, J. M. Meyers, K. Renton, A. Rodriguez, A. C. Sosa-Asanza, F. J. Vilella y J. W. Wiley. 2001. Nest poaching in neotropical parrots. Conservation Biology, 15: 710-720. 20001. Renton, K. 2000. Scarlet Macaw. 253-257. En: Reading, R. P., J. Miller (eds.). Endangered animals: a reference guide to conflicting issues. Greenwood Press. Westport, Estados Unidos. 2. Renton, K. 2000. Lilac-crowned parrot: area requirements and regional movements. Psittascene, 12: 11. 3. Renton, K, A. Salinas-Melgoza. 2000. Las voces de la selva. Especies, 9: 19-23. 19991. Renton, K, y A. Salinas-Melgoza. 1999. Nesting behavior of the Lilac-crowned parrot. Wilson Bulletin, 111: 488-493. |