Dr. Mark Earl Olson Zunica

Investigador Titular C SNI nivel 2
Ubicación: Edificio A, Piso 2: 214 Moringaceae
Teléfono: 56 22 91 24 ext. 47801

Producción reciente


1. Alvarado, L, E. Martínez, P. Feria, L. Eguiarte, H. M. Hernández, G. Midgley y M. Olson. 2013. To converge or not to converge in environmental space: testing for similar environments between analogous succulent plants in North America and Africa. Annals of Botany, 111(6): 1125-1138.

2. Méndez-Alonzo, R, F. Pineda-García, H. Paz, J. A. Rosell y M. E. Olson. 2013. Leaf phenology is associated with soil water availability and xylem traits in a tropical dry forest. Trees: Structure and Function, 27: 745-754.

3. Olson, M. E, J. A. Rosell, C. León, S. Zamora, A. Weeks, L. O. Alvarado-Cárdenas, N. I. Cacho y J. Grant. 2013. Convergent vessel diameter-stem diameter scaling across five clades of New and Old World eudicots from desert to rain forest. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 174(7): 1062-1078.

4. Olson, M. E. 2013. The International Moringa Germplasm Collection. http://www.moringaceae.org

5. Olson, M. E, y J. A. Rosell. 2013. Vessel diameter-stem diameter scaling across woody angiosperms and the ecological causes of xylem vessel diameter variation. New Phytologist, 197: 1204-1213.

Producción por año


1. Alvarado, L, E. Martínez, P. Feria, L. Eguiarte, H. M. Hernández, G. Midgley y M. Olson. 2013. To converge or not to converge in environmental space: testing for similar environments between analogous succulent plants in North America and Africa. Annals of Botany, 111(6): 1125-1138.

2. Méndez-Alonzo, R, F. Pineda-García, H. Paz, J. A. Rosell y M. E. Olson. 2013. Leaf phenology is associated with soil water availability and xylem traits in a tropical dry forest. Trees: Structure and Function, 27: 745-754.

3. Olson, M. E, J. A. Rosell, C. León, S. Zamora, A. Weeks, L. O. Alvarado-Cárdenas, N. I. Cacho y J. Grant. 2013. Convergent vessel diameter-stem diameter scaling across five clades of New and Old World eudicots from desert to rain forest. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 174(7): 1062-1078.

4. Olson, M. E. 2013. The International Moringa Germplasm Collection. http://www.moringaceae.org

5. Olson, M. E, y J. A. Rosell. 2013. Vessel diameter-stem diameter scaling across woody angiosperms and the ecological causes of xylem vessel diameter variation. New Phytologist, 197: 1204-1213.


1. De Nova, A, R. Medina, J. C. Montero, A. Weeks, J. A. Rosell, M. E. Olson, L. E. Eguiarte, y S. Magallón. 2012. Insights into the historical construction of species-rich Mesoamerican seasonally dry tropical forests: the diversification of Bursera (Burseraceae, Sapindales). New Phytologist, 193(1): 276-287.

2. Méndez-Alonzo, R, H. Paz, J. A. Rosell y M. E. Olson. 2012. Coordinated Evolution of leaf and stem economics in tropical dry forest trees. Ecology, 93(11): 2397–2406.

3. Nouman, W, M. T. Siddiqui, S. M. A. Basra, R. A. Khan, T. Gull, M. E. Olson y H. Munir. 2012. Response of moringa oleifera to saline conditions. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 14: 757-762.

4. Olson, M. E. 2012. Linear trends in botanical systematics and the Major Trends of Xylem Evolution. Botanical Review, 78(2): 154-183.

5. Olson, M. E. 2012. The developmental renaissance in adaptationism. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 27(5): 278-287.

6. Renton, K, P. Balvanera, M. Olson, y A. Castillo. 2012. ¿Por qué es importante el monte?. Cuaderno de Divulgación, 0(0): 1-44.

7. Rosell, J. A, M. E. Olson, R. Aguirre-Hernández y F. J. Sánchez-Sesma. 2012. Ontogenetic modulation of branch size, shape, and biomechanics produces diversity across the Bursera simaruba clade of tropical trees. Evolution and Development, 14(5): 437-449.

8. Trejo, L, M. E. Olson, P. Feria, K. M. Olsen, L. E. Eguiarte, B. Arroyo y J. A. Gruhn. 2012. Poinsettias wild ancestor in the Mexico dry tropics: historial, genetic, and environmental evidence. American Journal of Botany, 99(7): 1146–1157.


1. Gernandt, D. S, C. León-Gomez, S. Hernández-León, y M. E. Olson. 2011. Pinus nelsonii and a cladistic analysis of Pinaceae ovulate cone characters. Systematic Botany, 36(3): 583-594.

2. Olson, M. E, J. W. Fahey. 2011. Moringa oleifera: Un árbol multiusos para las zonas tropicales secas. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 82(4): 1071-1082.


1. Cacho, N. I, P. E. Berry, M. E. Olson, V. W. Steinmann, y D. A. Baum. 2010. Are spurred cyathia a key innovation? molecular systematics and trait evolution in the slipper spurges (pedilanthus clade: Euphorbia, euphorbiaceae). American Journal of Botany, 97(3): 493-510.

2. Rosell, J. A, M. E. Olson, A. Weeks, J. A. De-Nova, R. Medina-Lemos, J. Pérez-Camacho, T. P. Feria, R. Gómez-Bermejo, J. C. Montero y L. E. Eguiarte. 2010. Diversification in species complexes: Tests of species origin and delimitation in the Bursera simaruba clade of tropical trees (Burseraceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 57: 798-811.


1. Feria-Arroyo, T. P, M. E. Olson, A. Garcia-Mendoza y E. Solano. 2009. A GIS-Based Comparison of the Mexican National and IUCN Methods for Determining Extinction Risk. Conservation Biology, 23(5): 1156-1166.

2. Olson, M. E, R. Aguirre-Hernandez y J. A. Rosell. 2009. Universal foliage-stem scaling across environments and species in dicot trees: plasticity, biomechanics and Corner's rules. Ecology Letters, 12: 210-219.


1. Olson, M. E. 2007. Wood ontogeny as a model for studying heterochrony, with an example of paedomorphosis in Moringa (Moringaceae). Systematics and Biodiversity, 5(2): 145-158.

2. Rosell, J. A, y M. E. Olson. 2007. Testing implicit assumptions regarding the size vs age dependence of stem biomechanics using Pittocaulon (~ Senecio) praecox (Asteraceae). American Journal of Botany, 94(2): 161-172.

3. Rosell, J. A, M. E. Olson, R. Aguirre-Hernandez y S. Carlquist. 2007. Logistic regression in comparative wood anatomy: tracheid types, wood anatomical terminology, and new inferences from the Carquist Hoekman southern California dataset. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 154: 331-351.


1. Olson, M. 2006. Powered paragliders in biodiversity exploration. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 77(2): 297-305.

2. Olson, M. E, y J. A. Rosell. 2006. Using heterochrony to detect modularity in the evolution of stem diversity in the plant family moringaceae. Evolution, 60(4): 724-734.

3. Olson Z., M. E. 2006. The Mexican Clade of Manihot/ El clado mexicano de Manihot. Olson Lab Plant Pages. http://www.explorelifeonearth.org/manihot.html

4. Olson Z., M. E. 2006. The Beaucarnea-Calibanus clade. Olson Lab Plant Pages. http://www.explorelifeonearth.org/beaucarnea.html


1. Olson, M. 2005. Typology, homology, and homoplasy in comparative wood anatomy. IAWA Journal, 26(4): 507-522.

2. Olson, M, J. A. Lomeli y N. I. Cacho. 2005. Extinction threat in the Pedilanthus clade (Euphorbia, Euphorbiaceae), with special reference to the recently rediscovered E. conzattii (P. pulchellus). American Journal of Botany, 92: 634-641.

3. Olson, M. 2005. Wood, bark, and pith anatomy in Pittocaulon ( Senecio, Asteraceae): Water storage and systematics. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 132(2): 173-186.


1. Olson, M. E. 2003. Developmental origins of floral bilateral symmetry in Moringaceae. American Journal of Botany, 90: 49-71.

2. Olson, M. E, J. F. Gaskin y F. Ghahremani-nejad. 2003. Stem anatomy is congruent with molecular phylogenies placing Hypericopsis persica in Frankenia (Frankeniaceae); comments on vasicentric tracheids. Taxon, 52: 525-532.

3. Olson, M. E. 2003. Stem and leaf anatomy of the arborescent Cucurbitaceae Dendrosicyos socotrana, with comments on the evolution of pachycauls from lianas. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 239: 199-214.

4. Olson, M. E, I. Cacho. 2003. Redescubrimiento de planta mexicana al norte de Pochutla. El Faro, UNAM, 29: 7.


1. Olson, M. E. 2002. Intergeneric relationships within the Caricaceae-Moringacecae clade (Brassicales), and potencial morphological synapomorphies of the clade and its families. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 163: 51-65.

2. Olson, M. E. 2002. Combining data from DNA sequences and morphology for a phylogeny of Moringaceae. Systematic Biology, 27: 55-73.


1. Olson, M. E. 2001. Introduction to the Moringa family. 11-28. En: Fuglie, L. J. (ed.). The miracle tree: the multiple attributes of Moringa. Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Wageningen, The Netherlands and Church World Service. New York, Estados Unidos.